The Mission
DuoLex aims at helping companies to broaden their horizons while eliminating unnecessary costs and ensuring fast, reliable and understandable information. On our platform we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to expand one's business to Benelux / Germany in a simple language for people with no legal background. We aim at eliminating a need of a lawyer during the expansion in order to give entrepreneurs of Europe a higher chance of expanding their businesses. Moreover, after the expansion we would be providing the companies with legal information about contract, employment and corporate law in the country in question. We would be using a simple language, easy interface, videos and supportive materials to explain the whole process of expansion to businessmen in the EU. Adding to that, special features like calendar planning that organises the expansion for the entrepreneur and the comparison tool for the businessman to decide on which country to expand to will be included.
The Challenge
The main problems that we have identified are the following. Firstly, monetary compensation for the expansion can go higher than 10 thousands euros per company. On the other hand, in case an entrepreneur wants to start the expansion process themselves without any legal background, they would be faced with language barriers and confusion since legal texts usually have a certain way of writing which is hard to understand for people who have never studied law in their life.
The solution
Our solution would be to create a platform called DuoLex that would be able to provide an easy to follow step-by-step guide that the entrepreneurs would be able to use with a subscription based model. The price of subscription (from 30 euros to 90 euros) will not compare to the prices of hiring a professional lawyer. Moreover, the legal texts from Benelux / Germany will be translated by our translators in order to make sure that a regular person can understand them.